Involving the exchange of goods or services, either domestically or internationally.
International trade is essential to the world economy, and is growing in size and complexity. North American businesses are leaders in the export of goods and services, and have been actively pursuing new opportunities in global markets.
With these new opportunities come new risks, with organizations facing complex exposures related to international economic conditions, natural disasters and political conflicts. Eagle offers products and services that enable companies to boldly grow their businesses with the knowledge that they are protected against possible loss.
Eagle’s expertise in Trade Related Insurance products can help your clients:
- Pursue new and larger customers
- Enter new markets
- Access more capital, protect cash flow and protect the balance sheet
We focus on business enterprises for which the global integration of their operations is a critical element of their business strategy. We write large corporations and banks, as well as Small Medium Enterprises that are increasingly purchasing the coverage to improve their standing with their bank and increase credit limits.
We target businesses in the following key segments:
Financial Institutions — Banks, investors, lessors.
Commodities — Agriculture, mining and metals, oil and gas, forestry.
Manufacturers — Construction, environmental, telecommunications, power generation and distribution.
Infrastructure — Construction, environmental, telecommunications, power generation and distribution.
Commercial and Residential Property — Hotels, factories, warehouses.
Mobile Equipment — Power, construction, energy and mining.
Transportation — Logistics, marine, aerospace, rail.
We will work with industry groups and brokers to raise the awareness of trade risks, and the new opportunities that a business can have if they are properly protected.
Types of Coverage
Eagle Underwriting offers several products that protect the assets, income, performance, and trade of your clients. These products are very complementary to our Transportation and Movable Property coverage, as well as other related coverage such as Cyber Liability and Management Liability.

Political Risk
Political Risk refers to the negative consequences that result from the action or inaction of government. It is usually highest in developing countries where the economy or politics are unstable. Political Risk Insurance can mitigate the negative impact of these risks, and assist companies to grow their businesses.
We offer coverages for Political Risks in four broad areas:
Asset Protection — Coverage for assets and investments in foreign countries for losses due to confiscation, expropriation, nationalization, deprivation (CEND) and forced abandonment.
Contract Frustration — coverage for losses due to the non-performance of a contract caused by a political event or the act of a government entity. Perils include:
- Inability to convert or transfer local currency into another currency or out of the country.
- Breach or cancellation of contract by the foreign government
- Imposition of trade embargoes
- War and other related perils
Political Violence — Coverage can also be extended to cover loss due to political violence such as:
- Terrorism
- Strikes
- Riots
- Civil Commotions
- War
- Business Interruption due to the above.
Kidnap & Ransom — Coverage for ransom following kidnap, extortion, cost of hostage recovery, medical fees, and rewards.
The identification and protection of Political Risks are quickly becoming one the biggest concerns for CEO’s.

War & Terrorism
War and Terrorism exposures are increasing every day, and many industries face the serious threat of an incident. We offer coverage that will protect many types of businesses, operating in territories throughout the world.
Aviation — covers hull war along with excess third-party war liability for aviation risks.
Marine — We provide physical damage coverage for hull and machinery of vessels against war risks including mines, explosives, malicious damage, piracy, sabotage, terrorism, blocking and trapping. We also provide coverage for protection and indemnity risks (i.e. crew, pollution) as a result of a war peril.
Land — Our products respond to claims arising out of war, terrorism, strikes, riots and civil commotions, including crucial business interruption coverage

Trade Disruption / Supply Chain
Trade disruption (TDI) is a rapidly growing area of insurance. Disruption in trade continually tops the concerns of most businesses, as a disruption can cause serious damage to profitability, shareholder value, brand and reputation.
TDI covers the Net Profit or Extra Expenses due to non-arrival or delayed arrival of goods due to a peril insured against.
The perils insured against include force majeure and physical events (eg- fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, accident to conveyance), closure of transportation routes or borders (eg.- road, railway line, port), and political events (eg.- blockade, confiscation, expropriation, nationalization, deprivation, war, terrorism, embargo, strikes)
We can also cover loss of revenues due to delay in start-up (DSU) of cargo and ship building projects.
Many businesses keep small inventories, and rely on ‘just-in-time’ shipping. This results in increased risk to their profitability.
A proper Supply Chain Management program consists of a well-considered risk management plan and comprehensive insurance coverage. Click on here to find out more.